The decision to quit using drugs may not only be the most important decision that you ever make, it may save your life. Once you fully understand the repercussions of addiction and have decided to get help, the real challenge begins - getting sober and staying that way.

Most addicts are unaware of the true strength and courage that it takes to get sober. The process doesn't happen overnight and it's often plagued with many challenges and hurdles along the way. Achieving sobriety, that lasts, can take a very long time, or it may come relatively quickly. This all depends on the commitment, the lifestyle, the health and various other elements associated with the user's life. For some, sobriety takes many years to achieve, while for others the process takes mere weeks.
No matter how severe your addiction is, how long you've been using drugs or alcohol, or what your fears of recovery may be, you can get sober! Follow these 101 tips to get you on the fast track to sobriety and recovery:
- Make a commitment to quitting.
- Make a list of reasons why you want to get sober.
- Make a commitment to change your lifestyle, including your friendships if you use drugs with friends.
- Be realistic about your goals.
- Don't let yourself get discouraged when things don't go exactly as planned.
- Keep trying!
- Gradually cut back - if you can't commit to quit, cutting back is a start.
- Ask for help - from a friend, family member, coworker, treatment professional or doctor.
- Be clear about your goals - are you quitting, cutting back, changing your routine, trying to get back with your children?
- Be specific about your goals - what is it you really want out of sobriety?
- Be safe - seek the help of a professional detox center.
- Do your best to avoid temptation - don't spend time with people who are abusing drugs or alcohol.
- Stay away from people who will bring you down or derail your efforts to get sober.
- Be honest, with yourself and with others, about your intentions to get sober.
- Set limitations and, when relapse occurs, do your best to pick up where you left off.
- Be prepared to deal with cravings.
- Have an action plan in place so that you know what to do if you relapse.
- Remind yourself every day, or every time a craving arises, of your reasons for getting sober.
- Find other things to do, like a sport, exercise, or hobby
- Plan for the future - imagine and plan for a life free from drugs.
- Take care of yourself by eating healthy and exercising.
- Find ways to cope with stress.
- Find support - in friends, family, peers and professionals.
- Attend an AA or NA meeting - or go for 90 meetings in 90 days!
- Take part in a support group online or in your community.
- Seek encouragement from other recovering addicts - you'll be surprised at how many people have suffered many of the same challenges that you are facing now.
- Restore your faith - seek the help of your church, pastor or religious leader.
- Seek counseling for your family, to heal the relationships between yourself and your loved ones.
- Don't overestimate the control that addiction has over you - and don't give up.
- Consider inpatient treatment.
- Reduce involvement in toxic relationships - you know who those people are!
- Make an honest attempt to reconnect with those who matter - your parents, children, loved ones and friends.
- Be proactive to change, not reactive.
- Know that the one who is responsible for getting you sober is YOU!
- There is no one size-fits-all approach, do what works for you and if you find something doesn't work, move on and try something else.
- Be forgiving of others the same way that you expect forgiveness.
- Forgive yourself! Addiction causes deep regret but healing is possible.
- Quit feeling sorry for yourself - do something to evoke positive change.
- Remember that tomorrow is a new day, so if today isn't perfect, there's another shot at it tomorrow.
- Stay busy - people with too much time on their hands have a great risk of using.
- Educate yourself on the power of sobriety and your ability to motivate change.
- Find new ways to have fun - without drugs or alcohol.
- Talk with your loved ones about your feelings, your goals and your desire to change.
- Build your support network into a strong, motivation machine.
- Meditate, practice yoga or take a long walk to relieve stress.
- Get outside - play a sport, exercise, or enjoy the summer breeze.
- Pick up an old hobby that you no longer do - you might be surprised at how fulfilling it really is.
- Read a book - there are great books about emotional healing, stories of recovery, etc.
- Make quality time to spend with friends and family.
- Don't blame other people for your actions, you are responsible for your own sobriety.
- Don't make excuses, not for yourself or for others.
- Learn what it takes to be humble - be accepting and willing to learn.
- Don't replace one addiction with another - moderation of hobbies and activities is key to healing.
- Pursue your passion - whatever it is.
- Be responsible in your efforts to quit.
- Don't lose control - you are in control of yourself and of your sobriety.
- Remember that relapse does happen - but it's not the end of the battle and you can pick up the pieces.
- Keep a diary of your sobriety and be optimistic.
- Avoid bad influences and distance yourself from anyone who is not supportive of your sobriety goals.
- Practice saying no to others in preparation for times when temptation is in front of you.
- Keep a reminder of your decision not to drink and don't forget why you decided to get sober.
- Consider sober living if you're not in treatment.
- Make sobriety your first priority, above all else.
- Seek treatment for underlying mental health conditions or health problems such as chronic pain.
- Follow through with your commitments even if you don't really want to keep working at it.
- Make a commitment to always face temptation with a decision to abstain, and remember that most cravings will go away on their own within a short period of time.
- Find a way to help others in recovery.
- Improve your attitude - seek personal enrichment whenever you can.
- Find a path that's your own - it is your responsibility to take action for yourself.
- Don't fall into the premise that sobriety will be easy, short-coming or without challenges.
- Tell others about your recovery journey - you might help someone else find his or her way.
- Make a commitment - to learn something new each day.
- Listen to relapsing addicts - and commit to doing the opposite of what they are doing.
- Don't focus on just one element of growth -spread your recovery efforts out beyond just spiritual or emotional growth to include physical, mental and social growth as well.
- Develop a strategy for staying sober - and stick to it.
- Don't expect treatment and recovery to happen overnight - it won't.
- Figure out what it's going to take to get sober - and JUST DO IT!
- Don't settle for less - keep goals challenging but realistic.
- Reach for your goals with exertion and force - do whatever it takes to stay sober.
- Celebrate accomplishments in recovery with friends and family who care.
- Practice balance in everything you do in life.
- Change your lifestyle and omit involvement with others who use drugs or alcohol.
- Move on with your life.
- Keep a short list of your goals with you so that you can refer to them when you're feeling down.
- Challenge others to achieve sobriety through your encouragement.
- Be vigilant - don't forget that relapse can occur at any given time.
- Get your priorities straight - remember that sobriety is number one - ALWAYS.
- Find something to do late at night - like cleaning your house or seeking online support.
- Read books and magazines about recovery, get inspired from the great stories of triumph from others.
- Consider long-term treatment for your addiction.
- Take your recovery seriously.
- Avoid the "Why Me" and instead ask yourself, "How can I change and prevent this from occurring again?"
- Make a list of people and things that you are grateful for, and then tell others how grateful you are.
- Be strong - don't let fear of relapse take away the fun of recovery.
- Make a to-do list that will help you to achieve your recovery goals.
- Set one big goal each day, when you achieve it, celebrate with another friend in recovery.
- Learn something new - how to cook, how to sew, how to paint or anything.
- Make a list of activities that help you to relax and then commit to taking part in at least one of the activities each day.
- Say a prayer if you're religious - if you're not, suspend disbelief for just one day and see how you feel.
- Set the bar high! Set challenging goals each day and reward yourself for your accomplishments.
- Embrace your sobriety with everything you've got.